General FAQs

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​Simply, conducting periodic (recommend twice a year) maintenance will help improve the reliability of your system and reduce the likelihood of emergency repairs during peak periods. We work to identify potential problems ahead of time and proactively correct issues that would cause failures. For more details, check out our blog posts about specific maintenance items we check.

During the summer period, the majority of our no-heat calls are due to clogged condensate drain lines. This is why we perform a drain clean with everyone one of our preventative maintenances.

​Though it is intended to last the life of the system, the part we replace most often is the capacitor. The capacitor is a device about the size of a baseball (but a different shape) that stores up energy and provide a surge of power to your air conditioner when the thermostat sends a signal that your air conditioner needs to start up. Most often due to the extreme temperatures in Florida, the dielectric grease will dry up and cause failure.

​As a rule of thumb, replace your existing system when repairs cost 30% of a new system or when your utility bills double as a result of an older or less efficient system.

Air conditioning and heating equipment consume about 40% of a home’s energy bill. Today’s ENERGY STAR qualified systems are as much as 60% more efficient than 10-year-old equipment.

Look for a programmable thermostat for accurate, reliable, energy-saving performance. For added savings and convenience, consider options that work with mobile devices to easily program your system wherever you are.

Recommendation: In the southeast especially Florida adding dehumidifiers, ventilation systems, UV lights and Air Technology can dramatically improve your indoor air quality.

Qualifications: Our technicians and staff are experts in the latest technology made available to our customers.

Seek out a contractor who is licensed and insured and a member of the Better Business Bureau. Ask about their affiliations with major brands- if they are backed by the product and training resources of a major manufacturer, you will feel confident that you’re getting the home comfort system that best meets your needs. Ask if they permit jobs- you always want a ‘yes’ answer. This means the work is done to all codes and inspected by a third party. If the work is not to code, it must be remedied by the contractor.

​There are two adages that remain true in this business- you get what you pay for and there is no such thing as a free lunch. It’s not popular to say, but the truth is, there will be an upsell or the cost will be made up in some other creative way. If a new install costs in excess of 4-5k, you likely aren’t getting anything for free. What about a $29 service call? That’s a good value right? I challenge you to send me an invoice that has nothing besides the $29 fee- the goal here is to get in your door and find something wrong with the system that “must” be fixed, not “should” be fixed to keep your system in the optimal condition.

1. Meet With Our Air Zero Comfort Advisor

It is important to us at Air Zero to understand your needs. During our visit, we want to work with you and discuss options and answer any questions you may have about the installation of a new cooling and heating system. The air conditioning industry has changed a lot since the last time your air conditioning unit was replaced, and we want to make sure you are aware of any new technology that may be available in whole-home dehumidification and indoor air quality. Making sure all these topics are discussed will provide you with a best-of-class experience in home comfort.

2. Site Survey and Home Heat Load Calculations

This may be one of the more important stages of the process. All homes are unique in their own way. We put time into ensuring we select the right equipment for your home and that comes from sizing for the right unit. We measure the exterior of the home to include windows, doors, and overhangs as well as note the construction details of your home to confirm make sure the equipment will properly cool and heat the space…we call this conducting a “load calculation” which is recommended whenever installing a new system. We also include all the materials needed to complete the installation and ensure the installation is beyond national building codes and manufacturers’ specifications.

3. Estimate Sent to Homeowner

Our team will put together your estimate and send it to you through your preferred communication channel. The Air Zero team is always available by phone or e-mail to answer any questions you may have.

We offer financing through Hearth is available upon request.

4. Approval Process

Once all questions are answered and an approval is received, our team is notified.

Beginning Your Home Project

1. Down Payment

To begin your project, we collect a 50% deposit before ordering any equipment or materials (Unless otherwise discussed)

2. Ordering Equipment and Materials

Air Zero works with many manufacturers so based on the equipment and brand you choose we will contact our vendors to order the equipment and materials needed for the installation.

We will also begin the permitting process by applying for permits before the project begins. This is required by your county or city to start work.

3. Scheduling the Installation

We schedule based on the availability of your equipment and materials. Typically, this can be accomplished within 1 to 2 days of approval.

4. Installation Day

On the day of the installation, our team will arrive between 8-9 AM. Most installations will be completed by the end of the day. (Unless otherwise discussed)

5. Pre-Inspection

One of our team members will be out to your home after a few days to ensure optimal performance. We commission the equipment by conducting performance analysis and ensuring that the installed equipment meets all code requirements. At this time, we will discuss proper care and maintenance and any questions you may have about your new equipment.

6. Final Inspection

Air Zero will schedule a Final Inspection with the City or County inspector to close out the permitting process.

Commercial FAQs

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Commercial HVAC systems differ from residential systems in that they consist of many interconnected systems. These systems provide the entirety of a building with heating, cooling, and ventilation.

​The total cost of a commercial HVAC system, including parts and service, can range greatly depending on the equipment needed and the overall size of the system. Commercial HVAC installation may cost anywhere from $7000 to $30000 on average.

Various factors will determine the lifespan of the average commercial HVAC system, such as the quality of the components and how much maintenance it receives. Typically, a commercial HVAC system will have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.